Friday 27 June 2008

New Guild Wars 2 news!

Things have been quiet on the Guild Wars 2 front for a while. The flurry of announcements and interviews at the end of 2007 have developed into the silence of developers had at work grinding out code (or so I hope).

However, ArenaNet have a new FAQ out about Guild Wars 2. Much of it covers things we already now - but they new bombshell is that there won't be a Beta in 2008. That's right, the beta will take place in 2009, and ArenaNet have confirmed that this will be close to the actual release date.

The FAQ page itself can be found at and I expect that, inline with other FAQs, ArenaNet will be updating this as they release new tidbits of information.

In the meantime, check back here often, or subscribe to my RSS feed, to get the latest Guild Wars 2 news as it's released.